Spoons 20

Uit Mad Pride Nederland
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Peer support meetup focused on neurodiversity
di. 14 januari 2020
18:00 - 20:00
Voorstraat 71
3512 AK Utrecht
Bezig met het laden van de kaart...

Ever wish you could go to a safe place to share what's on your mind and get support? Spoons is the place! Please bring anything you want to share with others (a story, a resource, an idea) and let the magic happen!

Support and understanding from peers is one of the most valuable and effective ways to live your best life when you are neurodivergent and/or suffer from a mental illness. Come and be part of a growing community of like-minded and compassionate people!

There will be some (vegan) snacks and tea. The venue is sadly not wheelchair accessible.

Questions? Comments? Ideas for a future session? Send an e-mail to spoons.utrecht@gmail.com.