Spoons 15: Mad Pride crossover

Uit Mad Pride Nederland
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Talking about neurodiversity and the idea of being proud of our differences, and about the politics and power relations in the GGZ world.
di. 10 september 2019
18:00 - 20:00
Voorstraat 71
3512 AK Utrecht
Bezig met het laden van de kaart...

Hello darlings,

The next Spoons event is one I'm really excited about: we are joining forces with Mad Pride NL to talk about neurodiversity and the idea of being proud of our differences, and about the politics and power relations in the GGZ world. A wonderful opportunity to get to know this amazing organization, grow support networks, and bask in some mad pride. So put it in your calendar: the 10th of September from 6pm to 8pm in ACU.

I hope to see you there!