Spoons 14: Culture + One Year Anniversary

Uit Mad Pride Nederland
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We will share our thoughts about the culture(s) we grew up in and how they influenced how we see the world and each other.
di. 13 augustus 2019
18:00 - 20:00
Voorstraat 71
3512 AK Utrecht
Bezig met het laden van de kaart...

Can you believe that it’s been a whole year since Spoons started? It has been an amazing experience running the group, meeting great people, and learning new things every single time. After the next meeting in August, let’s sit down for some cake to celebrate and think about the next steps. The input and ideas of members of the group is invaluable for keeping the sessions fresh, relevant, and running smoothly!

In the meeting itself we will share our thoughts about the culture(s) we grew up in and how they influenced how we see the world and each other. Does the culture bring us together and open our minds, or teach us to be distrustful and isolated? We meet at 6pm in ACU (Voorstraat 71, Utrecht).

In other news, Spoons has been contacted by the anarchist magazine Buiten de Orde. They would like someone to write a longer article (preferably in Dutch) about why it is important to have an autonomous peer support group rather than rely on medical professionals, for their issue on ableism. Please get in touch if you would be interested and I will get you in contact with the editors.

This group is totally volunteer-run and collaborative. If there is something you want to share like a skill or activity, or contribute in a practical way, go for it! Message the host on Facebook or send an e-mail to spoons.utrecht@gmail.com.

There will be some vegan snacks but feel free to bring more. The venue is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.

Looking forward to seeing you!