We protesteren bij het politiebureau om solidariteit te tonen met Sammy's ouders en gerechtigheid te eisen.
ma. 17 mei 2021
18:30 - 19:00
Today the state prosecutor, Anne Marie Ruijs, will decide on whether or not the officers who murdered Sammy B. will face consequences for their crime. She will rule whether they even have to face any legal procedure at all. So far, she has always ruled in favour of the police. Despite all the lies of Amsterdam police as well as the overwhelming evidence showing that Sammy was murdered, Sammy's parents' lawyer believes she will refuse to further investigate the case.
Sammy was a mentally struggled person of color that was calling for a doctor and despite the fact that psychological help and his mother was at the scene, the police refused him this help. If the case doesn't get picked up, we will protest in front of the Amsterdam Nieuw West Zuid police station (where the cops who murdered Sammy came from) to show solidarity with his parents and demand justice for Sammy! We will announce the demo.
For more info about the story: https://controlealtdelete.nl/blog/nabestaanden-sammy-strijden-door